Achieving the Strategy Goals Together

Here at IVIH, we are actively developing our programs and services to address the priorities and goals outlined for Plumas County in our district’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). Learning about our district’s CEDS will help you understand us better.

What Is a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy?

As explained by the U.S. Economic Development Administration:

CEDS is a strategy-driven plan for regional economic development. A CEDS results from a regionally-owned planning process designed to build capacity and guide an area’s economic prosperity and resiliency. It is a critical component in establishing and maintaining a robust financial ecosystem by helping to develop regional capacity (through hard and soft infrastructure) that contributes to individual, firm, and community success.

The CEDS provides a vehicle for individuals, organizations, local governments, institutes of learning, and private industry to engage in a meaningful conversation and debate about what capacity-building efforts would best serve economic development in the region. The CEDS should take into account and, where appropriate, integrate or leverage other regional planning efforts, including the use of other available federal funds, private sector resources, and state support that can advance a region’s CEDS goals and objectives. Regions must update their CEDS every five years to qualify for EDA assistance under its Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance programs. In addition, a CEDS is a prerequisite for EDA designation as an Economic Development District (EDD).

The CEDS Goals for Plumas County

  • Manufacturing and Technology

    Fostering growth in manufacturing and technology-based industries. Supporting innovation and entrepreneurship.

  • Workforce Development

    Enhancing skills and training opportunities for the local workforce. Attracting and retaining skilled workers.

  • Equitable Recovery and Resilience

    Supporting equitable economic recovery for all residents. Building resilience to future economic challenges.

  • Environmentally Sustainable

    Promoting environmentally conscious economic practices. Investing in renewable energy and sustainable infrastructure.

How Our Work Is Progressing Growth

Business Development

Providing expert guidance and resources to help businesses thrive and create jobs in our community.

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Made in Plumas County

Boosting local businesses and the economy by promoting and supporting products made right here in Plumas County.

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Plumas Business Directory

Your one-stop shop to discover and connect with local businesses, making it easy to support our community.

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Plumas Business News

Keeping you informed about our local economy, highlighting opportunities and trends for businesses and decision-makers.

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